Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a statutory framework that sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of children from birth to 5 years in England. The guidance within the EYFS framework ensures that all early year’s providers can effectively support and nurture the learning and development of children in their setting, from birth to five years of age.

At Guildhall Feoffment Preschool and Nursery, the EYFS underpins all that we do, to ensure we provide quality and consistency so that every child makes good progress, learning and development opportunities are planned around the needs and interests of each individual child, we work in partnership with parents/carers and ensure that every child is included and supported.

EYFS Document

Learning through play

Play underpins the Early Years Foundation Stage and is essential for young children. Through play, children will learn and develop in all seven areas of the statutory framework of the EYFS. Through play, children develop language skills, their emotions and creativity, social and intellectual skills. For most children their play is natural and spontaneous although some children may need extra help from adults. At Guildhall Feoffment Preschool and Nursery, play takes place indoors and outdoors and it is in these different environments that children explore and discover their immediate world. They practise new ideas and skills, take risks, show imagination, and solve problems on their own or with others. The role that our staff have is crucial. Our staff provide time and space and appropriate resources, they observe play and join in when invited; watching, and listening before intervening, they value play and provide safe but challenging opportunities that support and extend learning and development.

Learning through curiosity

We have adopted the ethos of the Curiosity Approach at Guildhall Feoffment Preschool and Nursery. This means that we provide real and interesting resources and spaces for the children to explore their own curiosities and follow their lead in their learning. We believe that children are able to think for themselves, make their own choices and take risks in their learning with the support and guidance of staff, in order to develop their learning, confidence and independence.

Instead of the bright colours you would perhaps expect to see in a nursery, our nursery is decorated in neutral tones. This creates a peaceful, tranquil environment which does not overstimulate or distract a child’s learning.

Loose Parts

We use lots of ‘loose parts’ to enhance imagination and open-ended opportunities in play. This means materials that can be moved around the room and used in endless ways to develop creativity within play.  Items such as crates, wooden logs, pallets wooden planks, tyres, guttering etc. can be stored outside and made available to the children to create and build with. Inside, wooden blocks, pieces of material, pebbles, buttons etc can be used to develop vocabulary, sensory experiences, experimenting and freely creating. The versatility of these materials provides children with virtually endless ways to create and play.

Key Person

In each room, all members of staff are involved in the care and development of your child, but our use of the ‘key person system’ means that one staff member is always given personal responsibility for your child’s learning and development record. We allocate your child a key person once they have been with us for a few weeks to see who they naturally form a positive relationship with. The key person will work closely with you, as parents/carers, to build a positive family relationship to meet your child’s needs and support your child’s learning and development.