The Nursery Management Committee helps monitor all nursery requirements to ensure that the principles, objectives and values of the nursery are upheld. The committee consists of nursery parents and people within the local community to ensure a balanced and impartial representation.
Our Committee Chairperson is Susan Herriot.
The Committee adheres to the terms of the Preschool Learning Alliance Model CIO Constitution for Childcare Providers 2013. We always welcome new members to participate in the management of the nursery by joining the Committee.
Fund Raising
We have a separate fundraising committee that consists of parents that help to plan fun activities for our families as well as raise funds to purchase new experiences and resources for our children. Throughout the year we hold several fundraising events run by the Committee as well as events in Nursery. We always welcome and really appreciate new fundraising ideas and extra help whether you are a committee member or not.
The Committee adheres to the terms of the Preschool Learning Alliance Model CIO Constitution for Childcare Providers 2013. We always welcome new members to participate in the management of the nursery by joining the Committee.